Changing the Date in Sage 50 Transactions
Everyone knows that you can change the date on transactions by clicking the small calendar icon on the right side of the field. But if you prefer to use the keyboard, here are some easy ways to enter a date:
Press the + key to increase the date one day for each press. For example 09/01/16 will be come 09/03/16 with two taps of the + key.
Press the - key to decrease the date one day for each press. For example 09/03/16 will be come 09/01/16 with two taps of the - key.
To change the date to a different day in the same month and year, type the day number. For example, to change 09/05/16 to 09/16/16 type 16.
To change the month and day in the same year, type the month number and a two-digit day. For example, to change 09/05/16 to 8/3/16, type 803
To change to a different day, month and year, type the date without slashes. For example, to change 09/05/16 to 6/23/15 type 62315.